Deep linking is a lightweight method to integrate your website or app with Nomod’s iOS and Android apps.

What is a deep link?

A deep link is a URL that navigates a user to a specific part of Nomod’s apps, allowing values to be pre-filled, and reducing the steps required to create an In-Person charge or create a Link.

Before you begin

Please use Nomod App v1.7.4 or higher.

A deep link URL consists of a prefix, type, action, and at least two parameters:


This deep link will create an In-Person payment of USD 10.

Prefix Use the prefix nomod://

Type Include one of two types:

  • charge to create an In-Person charge
  • link to create a Link

Action Include one of two actions:

  • create to create an In-Person charge or Link
  • view to view charges related to an In-Person charge or Link via Activities

Parameters Include at least two parameters:

  • currency a three letter alphabetic ISO 4217 code, for example, USD
  • amount the amount you want to charge with up to two decimals

Create an In-Person charge

To create an In-Person charge create a URL in the following format:


Use additional parameters to customise your charge:

Add a discount nomod://charge/create?amount=10.00&currency=USD&discount=5.00

Add a tip nomod://charge/create?amount=10.000&currency=USD&tip=1.00

Specify an external ID nomod://charge/create?amount=10&currency=USD&external_id=order_1001

An external ID is a non-unique identifer can be used to reference an identifier that you would like to track, for example an order number.

Provide a callback URL nomod://charge/create?amount=10&currency=USD&discount=5&tip=1&external_id=order_1001&callback=

This is a URL to which you’d like to return after a successful charge. This can be an hypertext URL or a URL that points to your application

On Execution On executing the URL, your user will be taken to In Person > Payment Method with the amount, minus taxes defined in the Nomod App, will be displayed. The user can pick their input method of choice and choose whether they’d like to authorise or capture a charge. On carrying out a successful charge the user will see the Charge success screen, and if a callback URL has been defined, after three seconds will be redirected to the callback URL

To create a Link, create a URL in the following format:


Use additional parameters to customise your Link:

Add a discount nomod://link/create?amount=10.00&currency=USD&discount=5.00

Request a tip nomod://link/create?amount=10.00&currency=USD&tip=y

This will allow your customer to enter a Tip

Request a shipping address nomod://link/create?amount=10.00&currency=USD&shipping_address=y

This will allow your customer to enter a Shipping Address

Specify an external ID nomod://link/create?amount=10&currency=USD&external_id=order_1001

This is a non-unique identifer that can be used to reference an identifier that you would like to track, for example an order number

Provide a callback URL nomod://link/create?amount=10&currency=USD&callback=

This is a URL to which you’d like to return after a Link has been created. This can be a hypertext URL or a URL that points to your application. A parameter link_URL is returned that includes the URL of the Link

On Execution On executing the URL, your user will be taken to the Link > Link Details screen. The user can choose to share the Link using the “Share” button, and if a callback URL has been defined, the URL of the Link is copied to the clipboard, and after three seconds the user will be redirected to the callback URL

View Charges

Use the view action to see all charges related to a specific external ID. This is useful for example to be able to track an order number to a specific charge

Create a URL in the following format:


To view charges related to a Link, use the following format:


On executing the URL, your user will be taken to Activities with a filter turned on to only display charges related to your external ID

Once you’ve created your URLs, its easiest to test them on a device where you have Nomod’s iOS or Android apps installed. On iOS we recommend using Scheme Log, and on Android we recommend Deep Link Executor.

Move your URLs to your website or app and test again to ensure that the behaviour you expect is taking place